We are living and will be living in a hybrid world of technology. Aptly called "The Fourth Industrial Revolution".
With the combination of AI, Internet of Everything, The Great Reset and finally the crème' de la crème' Internet of Bodies where all will be synergistically and seamlessly entangled within the 5 or 6 g networks and quantum computing.
The following vids are disseminating important information you need to know to make informed decision on participating in these all controlling agendas.
We can all be Truth and Freedom Warriors by taking a stand against tyranny and spreading the truth. All links are sharable, please do!
Melissa Ciummei, a financial investor from Northern Ireland, has serious concerns that injection passports will be used more like data passports to control participation in society.
Melissa believes that this passport system was manufactured in order to help bring about a financial reset, replacing our failing fiat currency system.
Because passports are so crucial for the successful implementation of this new financial system, mandatory vaccination of all citizens, young and old, will be imperative for the plan to succeed.
What is Internet of Bodies? Talk from the Rand Corporation about
n this video, RAND mathematician Mary Lee examines this emerging collection of human body-centric and internet-connected technologies; explores their benefits, security and privacy risks, and ethical implications; surveys the nascent regulatory landscape for these devices and the data they collect; and makes recommendations to balance IoB risks and rewards.
This Cyber Risk Thursday, the Cyber Statecraft Initiative will showcase Dr. Andrea Matwyshyn's current project, "Internet of Bodies" with commentary and insights from legal, tech and policy experts.
In this edition of Wilson Center NOW we explore the just released spring issue of The Wilson Quarterly, "Living with Artificial Intelligence," with the help of editor Richard Solash and contributor Eleonore Pauwels.
They discuss how AI has the potential to reshape every aspect of life including from interpersonal to international relations, and also art, health, and work.
Across the next decade the convergence of many high level technological tools will enable the deeper blending of connected bodies at a distance.
This talk outlines the positive potentials and opportunities of this for distant lovers and partners who will be enabled to reunite and engage in a far more satisfactory way than through today's social media and 2D screen links, taking our intimacies beyond the physical, merging us sensually within the virtual.
Ghislaine Boddington examines the concepts at play today, such as love of synthetic others such as robots and avatars, and connectivity through implants for remote touch and feel.
These shifts in ways of relating could be seen as dangerous and dark, but can we, with the right human spirit, ensure this leads to the positive enhancement of love?
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